Windows Authentication

If you use Windows authentication, your users' access to Cobra is based on their Windows credentials instead of a different set of Cobra credentials.

To set up Windows authentication, use the Authentication Options dialog box in the EPM Security Administrator.

You have three options for using Windows Authentication to verify credentials when users attempt to log into Cobra.

Authentication Mode Description Deployment Type
Windows User Name authentication This mode uses the authenticated Windows User Name and validates it against the Cobra user list. The Windows User Name is used as the Cobra login ID. The Windows Domain is not validated.

This mode is the same as the Windows Authentication option used in Cobra 5.1 SP1 and earlier.

Standalone, Client/Server, n-Tier
Windows Domain and User Name authentication This mode uses the authenticated Windows Domain and User Name and validates both against the Cobra user list. Each Cobra user must have a Domain name assigned to his or her user record. The Windows User Name is used as the Cobra login ID. Standalone, Client/Server, n-Tier
Windows Domain and User Name authentication plus role authentication with communication security This mode is the same as Windows Domain and User Name authentication but also supports further restricting access to Cobra through the use of a Windows Security Group (role), and supports security on communication between the client and server.

This mode requires additional configuration through the communication configuration files used by n-Tier deployments.

Attention: See the EPM Security Administrator Help System for more information.